20 experts’ best tips for thriving with your baby

Wondering if you’re on the right track with your baby? Thinking you could use a realistic plan for navigating these new waters — or at least some more support? My friend, pediatric physical therapist Wendi McKenna, has put together an online summit of 20 child development, maternal, and family health experts — including me — to share our advice for parenting your baby with confidence. She’s calling it More Than Milestones: Understand Your Baby, Nurture Development Confidently, and Raise a Thriving, Happy, Healthy Child … with a Village of Support.

It’s free, and it starts Monday (April 24). So you’ll want to reserve your spot now: http://bit.ly/MTM-TracyCutchlow

These online summits are great for being introduced to a variety of leading experts at once and finding those who speak your language. They’re concise video interviews, e-mailed to you over a short time. And you get to collect a ton of great tips, like:

  • Why fun at the family table trumps all else for helping kids manage stress, by Dr. Christine Wood, pediatrician and author of How to Get Kids to Eat Great and LOVE It!
  • Where to find the most complete and accurate child-development information, 100% approved by the AAP, from Pathways.org program director Felicia Kurkowski.
  • How to best bring music into your baby’s life, and an unlikely first instrument that’s great to play. That’s from Susan Darrow, CEO of Music Together. (Ahh, memories of my baby bopping in one of their music classes.)
  • The real difference that moms and dads bring to the table when raising our little ones, by Mike Hall, founder of Strong Fathers.
  • How to raise a confident kid without falling into the praise trap, with yours truly, author of Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science.

Yes, our first questions as parents are often about milestones: starting solid foods, sleeping independently, crawling and walking. (Well, after those harrowing first weeks of keeping our baby and ourselves alive.) But soon enough we realize there’s more to it than milestones, like how to truly connect with our babies and what we can do to nurture their emotional and cognitive development. And we realize how much we could use a community of support.

The More than Milestones summit will set you on your way. Sound good? Register here — and then tell a friend.


Copyright Betty Udesen / Pear Press
Written by

Tracy Cutchlow

Tracy is the author of the international bestseller Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science, a public speaker, and a creator of places to speak and be heard. Sign up for her newsletter here.

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