Give the gift of Zero to Five (and get a gift!)

It’s that time of year! Usually I’m not organized enough to do my holiday shopping this early. But this year, I already have a gift for you.

Santa tears

I want to thank you for being a part of the growing Zero to Five community: reading my newsletters, sharing my Huffington Post articles, giving Zero to Five such great reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, and staying connected on Twitter or Facebook.

And I especially want to thank you for writing to me about how Zero to Five has made a difference in your lives. I just have to share a few excerpts:

“We’ve already seen a positive change in our girls (4 and 2) since we started using [the calm-down technique].” — M. from Seattle

“I was working with a [childcare] provider and I was holding and talking to one of her infants.  She said she had never heard a male talk in baby talk.  The light bulb went on and I pulled out your book and shared the chapter on Talk.  She was blown away. She proceeded to tell me that she has never talked in baby talk since she opened, 12 years!

She told me that she wanted to try. She took the little baby and started talking to her in that sing-songy voice and the little baby’s eyes lit up and she just stared up at the provider. Needless to say, the provider was amazed and said she couldn’t wait to talk to her other babies.

I just love how you put all the brain-based research in such simple terms.  I have tried doing it and I know it is not easy.  Thank you again!” — B., specialist from a non-profit agency in Kansas that works with child care providers to improve quality of care

“I have learned so much from just a few of your newsletters that I am convinced your Zero to Five book is filled with educational gems.” — J. from Seattle

“The one thing that really resonated, and why I wanted to thank you, is the subject of developing a growth mindset. Without knowing the name for it, I knew this was one thing I wanted to nurture in my daughter because I know I don’t possess it. …

I want my daughter to try, to accept and learn and grow from not being perfect first time and your book has shown me the way. I cannot thank you enough. I feel like I am freeing her from the prison I have lived in my entire life.” — P. from England

Letters like this are so incredibly touching to me. What a gift. I’d like to give a little something to you guys, too.

A gift for you

It’s a book chapter from Brain Rules for Baby by John Medina (a book I edited). “Sleepy baby” walks you through the neuroscience of infant sleep. Plus, enter the battle of the sleep experts: the cry-it-out side vs. the attachment parenting side. Which has solid scientific evidence behind it?

(If you need the whole book, here’s 50% off the Brain Rules for Baby PDF or audio book. Use offer code holiday2014 through Dec. 31.)

Give the gift of Zero to Five

Know someone with young kids? Consider giving Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science. Who knows — it could make a difference in someone’s life.

The book is a steal at $15 on Amazon at the moment.

It’s so pretty in person, but perhaps you prefer PDFs?’s editorial director, Sara Nelson, was just on CNBC saying she’s given e-books as last-minute gifts. If that’s you, too, use offer code holiday2014 to get 50% off the PDF, through Dec. 31.

Happiest holidays!

Copyright Betty Udesen / Pear Press
Written by

Tracy Cutchlow

Tracy is the author of the international bestseller Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science, a public speaker, and a creator of places to speak and be heard. Sign up for her newsletter here.

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