Coaching instead of controlling: Does it work?

Last week, we talked about a new way to define parenting: as coaching instead of controlling. What came up for you as you turned this over in your mind? Clare wrote, “I like this idea but must admit I struggle to implement it on any given day. I find myself frequently telling my child to […]

A new way to define “parenting”

Did you make a resolution for this year? A friend of mine made one — as in, a single one — and I liked that. One anchor for the year. Not a bombardment of all the things we’d like to change about ourselves or wish we could do or hope to add to our lives: […]

How to be an emotionally intelligent parent + more

OK, here’s one you don’t want to miss. This week, I’m thrilled to share talks from the 2017 Positive Parenting Conference with you. Today’s interviews–from big names in parenting education–help us to respond instead of react, gain cooperation from our kids, get renegade rules for parenting a strong-willed child, check out the Danish Way of parenting, boost mindfulness, […]

What do YOU need?

To the mamas, on Mother’s Day: I hope you have a lovely day today. One that ends with gratitude for family and receiving something you needed. It’s a good time to think beyond today. What else do YOU need in your life? Is there a piece of yourself that’s been forgotten? Some piece that was central to you being […]

20 experts’ best tips for thriving with your baby

Wondering if you’re on the right track with your baby? Thinking you could use a realistic plan for navigating these new waters — or at least some more support? My friend, pediatric physical therapist Wendi McKenna, has put together an online summit of 20 child development, maternal, and family health experts — including me — to […]

When your kid runs away from you — and it’s not funny

Q: One morning this week, we were on a walk and my toddler took off running down the sidewalk. I was wearing his 3-week-old brother in a baby carrier, which limited my ability to chase him.  I called several times for him (with increasing intensity) to stop and wait for momma. (Also tried saying “Red: […]

Major meltdown: how we got off the merry-go-round

“Can I have this Frozen book? I really want it.” “But can I have it? It’s the only thing I want. I swear, it’s the only thing!” “Why can’t I get it? I really, really, really want it!” “I just want it.” “If I can have it, I’ll never get another Frozen thing again!” (Now […]

Before you choose a preschool or kindergarten…

“If you wanted to create an education environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing, you probably would design something like a classroom.” Thus goes a line in the bestseller Brain Rules by John Medina. It’s a quote I can’t get out of my head lately. Many of us have spent the past few months thinking […]

The tree is up, the lights are on, the cookies are … gone already?

My daughter and I baked gingerbread cookies today. She’d really been looking forward to this. And I kept kind of ruining it! Some of the things that popped out of my mouth: “That’s too much sugar to lick off your hands. No–hey– Don’t ask if you can’t handle the answer.” “Another cookie?” “OK, what greens […]

Acting delicately when toddlers rub privates in public

A parent wrote me with a delicate question: How to stop a toddler from rubbing herself between the legs at preschool, without making the act itself shameful? Here’s our exchange. My daughter’s nursery has informed me that in the last few days, she has taken to lying on her tummy and wiggling her hips and […]


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