E-mail me at tracy@zerotofive.net about giving a keynote, talk, or workshop.


Parents need three things: community, capacity, and your help. I would love to share my vision for the ways organizations can create the kind of support that truly makes a difference for families in the first 40 days, the first year, and at three years.

Audience: Business leaders & community coalitions

Length: 20-30 minutes

Calm & Confident

A conversation about what gets in our way of calm and confidence, including influences from our own childhoods, and a new way of thinking about our role as parents.

Audience: Parents of kids age 3 and up

Length: 90 minutes to half-day workshop

Raising a Confident Kid — Without Controlling or Caving

Typical discipline techniques — like time-outs, bribes, and counting to 3 — don’t work for the long-term. Learn a perspective-shifting method you can use, in any situation, to avoid power struggles, build your child’s self-confidence, and stay calm. We’ll talk about a different way to see what’s behind your child’s behavior, including the real reason situations escalate. We’ll practice three simple steps for responding.

Audience: Parents, teachers, and other professionals who have or work with kids in preschool through elementary school.

Length: 90 minutes including Q&A; maximum 4-hour interactive workshop

Why Some Kids Try Harder and Some Kids Give Up: How to Foster a Growth Mindset

What if changing one thing about the way we talk to our children (and even ourselves) could increase perseverance, motivation, and resilience?

The research around growth mindsets and fixed mindsets is fascinating. I’ll talk about how mindsets are created (even starting at age 1), how we can start our kids off with a growth mindset, and how we can change fixed mindsets.

Audience: Parents, teachers, childcare providers, and any others who have kids or work with kids at least age 1.

Length: 90 minutes including Q&A

How to Have a Baby

We’ll walk through 10 myths of motherhood and how to plan for your first 40 days with baby. Not a childbirth class.

Audience: Expecting mamas or couples, and those hoping to get pregnant

Length: 90 minutes including Q&A

Equipment preferences

  • Wireless headset mic or wireless clip-on mic
  • Wireless remote presenter (to advance slides)
  • Projector & screen (please specify PC cable connection)

Who’s heard these talks so far?

Walla Walla Early Childhood Coalition (fundraiser)

Program for Early Parent Support

Expecting couples and new parents at BabyFest NW and other baby expos in Seattle, Bellevue, Tacoma, and Portland

Parents and teachers of cooperative preschools

Elkhorn, Wisconsin, School District’s K-5 teachers (in-service day)

Social workers, home visitors, childcare trainers, and low-income parents in South Seattle — with lunch, childcare, and Spanish translation provided by Catholic Community Services

Bellevue College’s Parent Advisory Committee (fundraiser)

Media interviews

Let’s talk about your talk!


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