How do parents deceive their children?

This intriguing question came up on Quora. Here’s what popped into my head: We try, every day, to override our children’s body awareness, opinions, and feelings with our own. “You’re full? No, you didn’t eat much. Just take one more bite.” “You don’t want to wear that.” “Oh, you’re not hurt.” “Quit that crying.” “It’s not […]

Being a dad gets a little bit easier

It’s starting to be OK to be a dad. My husband noticed this during the NBA playoffs. The NBA ran a public-service ad where players talk up being parents, too. “I want to be a great player,” says Gordon Hayward of the Utah Jazz, “but I want to be an even better father.” “I lean in at home so […]

Punishment works … just not the way you want

When PBS NewsHour ran a column headlined “Why you should never use time-outs on your kids,” parents had furious reactions. Part of the reason is confusion over the terms punishment and discipline. The words are often used interchangeably. But there is a difference, and we owe it to our children to know it. Punishment is to make kids suffer to […]


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