The life-changing magic of tidying up

The Airbnb apartment I’d rented was not only spotless, there was zero clutter anywhere. Two tiny toddlers and two tiny dogs lived there, I knew, not to mention their parents. So why wasn’t this condo as cluttered as mine? I was so perplexed. I suppose that’s why, when I ducked out of the rain into a bookstore and spotted the tiny book “The […]

‘Excuse me’: A sleep doc’s secret for getting kids to sleep on their own

Sleep researchers who attended last week’s SLEEP 2015 conference in Seattle were fascinated to learn about new genetic targets for narcolepsy in mice, non-drug treatments for insomnia, and why recovering from a week of bad sleep isn’t as simple as sleeping in on the weekend. I was fascinated, too. But as a parent, the most useful […]

Bedtime? Make it truly “lights out”

Go camping in the mountains for a week, with no artificial light, and your sleep schedule will shift to align with sunset and sunrise—whether you’re a lark or an owl. That’s because bright light is our body’s strongest cue for when to wake and when to sleep. Natural light is four times brighter than electrical […]

What should your child be doing in preschool? Not sitting around

“Should I hold my son back from kindergarten?” a mom asked me. Her child was at a play-based preschool, and she was worried that he wasn’t ready for kindergarten because he didn’t know his letters and numbers. Play-based preschools, I assured her, are the big trend for an important reason: Play is how children learn. […]


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